Helpful Links

Here are a few my favorite websites

  • Countdown to pregnancy is informative and a great place to give and get input on pregnancy and ovulation tests.

  • Here is page with normal hormone levels that I refer people to when they get testing done.

And here are a few informative websites
  • Here is a very detailed explanation of how follicles develop. 

  • This article breaks down what AMH is and does in all sorts of situations, including pcos.

  • This is a blog post that has pictures of ferning slides from a woman's whole cycle. This was really nice to refer to when I didn't know what I was looking at with my own slides. She does have a "typical" 28 day cycle, so the dates aren't typical for us irregular cycle ladies.

  • If you don't mind a little tmi, here is some information on checking CP, cervical position, and CM, cervical mucous, and what they mean in regards to your cycle.

  • This is a really interesting study about LH/FSH ratios and what they mean in regards to insulin resistance.

1 comment:

  1. If I may make a suggestion: add a page with definitions to your blog, so when you use words or abbreviations like ferning & PCOS, someone can quickly click on it to get a quick definition without having to leave your blog :)

    At least, as a reader, it's something I like to see.
